Monitor, Manage & Maximise
Collate and Utilise as much OR as little information that is appropriate to your production and performance.
Fully Integrated or standalone
Monitor your machinery, operatives, utilities and efficiencies in real time
Track Trends
Analyse and display long term trends to maximise production and control costs
Compatible with ALL brands of machinery
Cloud Assisted
Cloud Limited
We don’t charge like a wounded elephant
No subscription and zero license fees

Work times
All of our systems include a project management strategy, a comprehensive training package and a system maintenance schedule.
Auto clocking
Auto clocking
RFID fob or PIN
Work times
Operator efficiency
Machine parameters
Equipment status.
RFID fob or PIN
Site clock in
Machine log in
RFID work times
Operator efficiency
Select preloaded, by customer or by incoming cart barcodes/RFID. Mixing policy by customer, category, washcode, any or none.
Machine parameters
Full details, count-by-weight, category groupings, batch grouping, barcode/RFID references. Production targets per location/machine/process.full details, count-by-weight, category groupings, batch grouping, barcode/RFID references. Production targets per location/machine/process.